News from ASSET project


Milan, April 12th

News from ASSET project

We are ready to land in Brussels, where we will talk about our citizen consultation and our approach to science-in-society topics at the European Parliament, on April 26-28. Stay tuned for further information about that.

The final programme of the third edition of the ASSET Summer School, scheduled from May 30 to June 1 in Rome, is available on the website, along with the necessary information to attend the courses.

We performed an analysis with our algorithm in order to identify the most relevant account tweeting about vaccines. Here is what we found.

Post-truth was the 2016 Word of the Year and represented a major topic of discussion. We asked Walter Quattrociocchi, head of the Laboratory of Computational Social Science at IMT Lucca in Italy and leading expert in social media analysis, a comment on fake news and confirmation bias.

We are interested in innovative ways to communicate science in society and the National Public Radio (NPR) in the USA offered a remarkable example of such innovation. Not only it produced a special, animated series of short videos on the relationship between human and germs, but it also invited its public to share questions about pandemics by submitting them through a special online tool.




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